
In the early 1800s, Earth experienced an event known as the Great Reawakening. This event marked the sudden resurgence of magic, which had been dormant for millennia, permeating the atmosphere and fundamentally altering reality as it was known. The first signs were subtle—strange auroras in the sky, unusual animal behaviors, and plants growing in impossible conditions. But soon, more conspicuous phenomena began to emerge. People with animal attributes, known as demihumans, started being born, displaying features and abilities that mirrored their animal counteraprt.As the years progressed, other ancient beings stirred from their long slumber. Dormant werewolf genes reawakened in modern humans, leading to the emergence of werewolf packs that could trace their lineage back through centuries. Similarly, vampire ancients, who had long lain hidden beneath the earth or in secret enclaves, rose once more. These beings, thought to be mere folklore, reasserted their presence, grappling with their thirst in a world vastly different from the one they remembered.

The reawakening of magic also led to bizarre transformations within the urban landscapes. Cities, fed by the ley lines and magical currents now vibrant with power, began to develop their own consciousnesses. Buildings, streets, and entire districts started exhibiting personalities and intents, some nurturing and protective of their inhabitants, while others turned sinister, trapping or manipulating those who ventured within their confines. This phenomenon led to new urban planning disciplines, blending architecture with arcane arts to ensure harmony between human residents and their increasingly sentient cities.By the 21st century, the world had adapted to its new magical reality. Institutions for magical education and regulation were established, and magical creatures had become part of everyday life. International accords were drafted to manage the interactions between human and non-human entities, as well as to control the use of magic in technology, medicine, and warfare. Despite occasional conflicts and challenges, a delicate balance was maintained through mutual interest and the shared benefits of this magically enriched world.

The world continues to evolve with each passing year. Magical phenomena once thought to be fully understood reveal new complexities, and the integration of different magical and mundane societies generates both conflict and innovation. As of 2024, Earth is a place where the ancient and modern not only coexist but are intertwined in the lives of all its inhabitants, offering endless possibilities for both wonder and peril.


  • Early 1800s: Discovery and formal recognition of magic; initial public and governmental reactions mixed with awe and fear, leading to the establishment of rudimentary laws governing magical phenomena.

  • Mid-1800s to Early 1900s: Formation of early magical communities; development of the first laws like the MCRA to protect new beings and phenomena.

  • Mid-20th Century: With the advent of global communications and the rise of sentient cities, more sophisticated and structured approaches were necessary, leading to the creation of SCUPG and USPA.

  • Late 20th and Early 21st Century: Increased integration of magic in everyday life, necessitating international cooperation through treaties like IMLECT and the expansion of educational institutions like the AAAS.==


  • Magical Creatures Rights Act (MCRA): Enacted in the mid-19th century, this was one of the first laws to acknowledge the existence and rights of magical creatures and demihumans. It provided basic rights and protections, much like human rights laws, to prevent exploitation and abuse.

  • Werewolf and Vampire Accord (WVA): Established in the early 1900s, this set of laws was specifically designed to govern the conduct of werewolves and vampires, focusing on their integration into society while ensuring public safety. It included stipulations on feeding practices for vampires and moonlight transformations for werewolves.

  • Sentient Cities Urban Planning Guidelines (SCUPG): As cities began to awaken, there was a need for a new urban planning doctrine. Instituted in the 1950s, these guidelines provided principles for developing infrastructure in harmony with the sentient parts of the cities, ensuring that expansions and modifications did not harm their emerging consciousnesses.

  • International Magical Law Enforcement Cooperation Treaty (IMLECT): Ratified in the late 20th century, this treaty facilitated cooperation among nations in managing magical crimes and regulating the use of magic across borders, establishing a unified approach to threats posed by or to magical entities.


  • Global Council of Magic (GCM): Formed in the late 1800s as a response to the need for an international body to oversee and regulate the use of magic and the integration of magical beings into society. It consists of representatives from various nations and magical communities.

  • Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences (AAAS): Located in New York, a premier institution founded in the early 20th century for the education and training of individuals in magical disciplines. It also serves as a research center for studying the implications of magic on modern technology and natural sciences.

  • Urban Sentience Protection Agency (USPA): This agency was established in the mid-20th century to monitor and protect sentient cities. Its mission includes the preservation of their integrity and personality, ensuring that urban development is sustainable and respects the sentient nature of these cities.

  • The Global Demihuman Alliance (GDA): A non-profit organization that operates internationally to advocate for demihuman rights, provide legal assistance, and run educational programs that promote understanding and cooperation among all peoples.


  name ://   douglas reed
  gender ://   male
  race ://   golden retriever demihuman
  age ://   26
  height ://   6'0
  eyes ://   blue
  hair ://   shaggy, blonde
  build ://   lean, muscular
  voice ://   Light, Midwestern American accent
  personality ://   Optimistic, Friendly, Supportive, Sensitive, Eager, Loyal, Empathetic, Naive, Playful, Forgiving, Impatient, Energetic
  bio ://  

  name ://   Catelyn Robicheaux
  gender ://   female
  race ://   werewolf
  age ://   25
  height ://   5'7
  eyes ://   blue
  hair ://   long, dirty blonde
  build ://   lean, muscular
  voice ://   Cajun accent, husky
  personality ://   Fearless, resourceful, fiercely independent, impulsive, stubborn, occasionally abrasive
  bio ://   born and raised in the heart of Louisiana, her life has been anything but ordinary. Catelyn learned to stand her ground early, often getting into tussles with local boys, proving time and again that size isn’t everything. Her affinity for mechanics came as naturally as her fighting spirit. Under Beau’s mentorship, she became an adept mechanic, her hands as skilled with a wrench as they are with throwing a punch. Catelyn's past is marked by loss and resilience. She was profoundly affected by the death of her parents and her uncles, making her fiercely protective of her remaining family. While Beau took the mantle of responsibility for their wellbeing, Catelyn found solace in the garage, amongst engines and gears. Catelyn shares her brother's love for blues music, but she’s also a secret enthusiast of classical pieces, finding something soothing in the structured chaos of strings and keys. She has a custom bike, nicknamed "Wildfire".

  name ://   beau Robicheaux
  gender ://   male
  race ://   werewolf
  age ://   38
  height ://   6'4
  eyes ://   blue
  hair ://   shoulder length, dirty blonde
  build ://   lean, muscular
  voice ://   Cajun accent, husky
  personality ://   Deeply loyal, fiercely protective, surprisingly compassionate, guarded to a fault, brooding, has a sharp tongue
  bio ://   Beau Robicheaux was born under a hunter’s moon, the oldest of a set of triplets and the leader of the Robicheaux pack. From the murky swamps of Louisiana to the vibrant streets of New Orleans, his family's legacy has long been whispered about. Beau’s life took a turn when both his brothers died under mysterious circumstances, one lost to the wilderness of the bayou, the other to the darkness of the city. From that day, he embraced his role as protector, taking care of his younger siblings, Erick, Catelyn, and Matthias, after the death of their parents in a devastating fire that left the family reeling. Living with the burden of being the last of his triplet line, Beau has always felt the weight of potential loss, driving him to be overprotective of his kin. He’s the kind of man who feels deeply but keeps those emotions locked under a hard exterior. Beau's workshop, "Robicheaux's Rides," became not just a business but a haven for those who needed shelter or a helping hand, supernatural or otherwise. The bayou whispers tales of Beau's heartache, of a love lost to time and tragedy. His search for a mate is tempered by fear—a fear of loss, a fear of vulnerability. This werewolf is not just searching for love but for someone who understands the depths of his loyalty and the scars of his past. Despite the rough edges, Beau has a soft spot for his siblings, teaching Erick the ins and outs of the family business, and fiercely supporting Catelyn and Matthias in their endeavors, be they academic or adventurous.

  name ://   tiago rocha
  gender ://   male
  race ://   werewolf
  age ://   28
  height ://   6'4
  eyes ://   green
  hair ://   short, brown
  build ://   lean, muscular
  voice ://   slight brazilian accent, warm
  personality ://   Charismatic, fiercely loyal, passionate, can be overly protective, impulsive, has a temper when provoked
  bio ://   Tiago Rocha along with his large family (Mother, Father, and 7 other siblings) immigrated to New York when he was till waddling around in diapers. Growing up in a family that embraced their heritage, Tiago learned to balance the duality of his nature early on. His childhood was filled with stories of the old country and the deep forests where werewolves roamed free.As a young adult, Tiago's love for music became his way of expressing the wildness inside him in a world that often didn't understand the werewolf spirit. He plays gigs at various clubs around the city, his performances imbued with the passion and intensity of his werewolf soul. By day, he works in a garage, his skilled hands adept at fixing up motorcycles, giving him a sense of peace and satisfaction.

  name ://   droga grushna
  gender ://   male
  race ://   half-orc
  age ://   32
  height ://   7'1
  eyes ://   brown
  hair ://   short, black
  build ://   muscular
  voice ://   new york accent, gruff
  personality ://   Loyal, determined, surprisingly gentle, can be gruff, not very patient, sometimes too headstrong
  bio ://   Drogan Grushna found himself in the underground fighting rings not out of a love for violence but out of necessity. Raised in a rough neighborhood on the outskirts of the Living Metropolis, Drogan learned early that life could be a battle in itself. His father, a former boxer, fell to an illness that left the family struggling, and his mother's job wasn't enough to keep up with the bills and his father's medical expenses. After his father's passing, Drogan stepped into the rings, his natural orcish strength and resilience making him a formidable contender. He fights not for glory or the thrill of the win, but for the money to keep his mother in the comfort she deserves, refusing to let her toil after a life of hardship. Each scar he carries is a story of a fight not for himself, but for her. Despite his intimidating exterior, Drogan is known among close circles for his unexpected kindness and sense of humor. He volunteers at community centers when he can, teaching young ones self-defense and the importance of standing up for what's right. In the ring, he's a beast, but outside, Drogan is a pillar of his community, a protector to those around him. His loyalty to family and friends is unwavering, and he dreams of one day leaving the fighting behind to live a peaceful life, maybe opening a gym to train the next generation.

  name ://   larkin mckenzie
  gender ://   male
  race ://   selkie
  age ://   29
  height ://   6'3
  eyes ://   brown
  hair ://   shaggy, brown
  build ://   lean, athletic
  voice ://   none, uses american sign language
  personality ://   Empathetic, resourceful, has an infectious optimism, Occasionally wistful, struggles with a sense of belonging, can be stubbornly independent
  bio ://   Larkin McKenzie's life is a tale of two worlds colliding. Born to a selkie mother and a human father, Larkin was immersed in the duality of land and sea. However, his selkie heritage was lost when his pelt was stolen shortly after his birth, leaving him unable to return to the sea and live as a selkie. Growing up near the shores, he always felt the call of the ocean but could never answer it. His deafness, an aspect of his existence that he's embraced fully, has never been a limitation but rather a different way to experience the world. Larkin found solace in the quietness of his world and the rhythm of the bustling coffee shop where he works. Larkin's mother, a selkie without her pelt, instilled in him a love for the land and its people, teaching him to find the magic in everyday interactions. His father, a compassionate man, supported Larkin's endeavors, always encouraging him to bridge the gap between his two heritages. Larkin turned to coffee, a craft he excelled in, using the sensory experiences of taste and touch to connect with others. His coffee shop has become a haven for those who appreciate his unique style and the subtle enchantments he weaves into his brews—a touch of selkie magic in every cup. Larkin wears a seashell pendant, a gift from his mother, containing a drop of the ocean, allowing him to carry a piece of his heritage wherever he goes. He has become a beloved figure in the neighborhood, known for his sunny disposition and the small notepad he carries, encouraging written conversations and shared laughter. Despite his inability to return to the sea, he finds joy in the community he's built and the life he's created on land, embodying the resilience and adaptability of his selkie lineage.